Green Shift

Green Shift

Partnering Communities, Preserving Environments

The world will invest $150 trillion in sustainability efforts by 2050.

We are in the midst of an exciting paradigm shift globally and to maintain a competitive advantage, companies must ensure that their capital is deployed ethically and responsibly with the future of the planet front of mind. 

PhosCo is conducting an ESIA in compliance with the highest recognised international industry standards. The Scoping Study has confirmed the development of Gassaat is technically and commercially feasible with no red flags identified by ASF Consulting, a Tunisian consulting firm that specialises in the fields of environment, gender, social inclusion, and health and safety in Tunisia and internationally.

The initial project design incorporates significant measures to minimise water consumption, which include tailings filtration, recycling of all water streams, and the potential re-utilisation of domestic wastewater.  Through these interventions, consumption of 0.7 m3/t of ore treated can be achieved, less than 50% of other Tunisian phosphate operations. Furthermore, the tailings produced from the process plant are environmentally benign and will be co-disposed alongside waste rock.

The Gassaat Phosphate Project has strong community support for its development and will generate 1,000 employment opportunities for local Tunisian residents during the construction phase evolving into 440 permanent positions during operation.

PhosCo has also signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the parliamentary representative of Jedelienne. The MOU outlines a 10% Project Participation arrangement for communities impacted by the project through a Community Company, aligning with Tunisia's social development goals.

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